Tagesmeldung vom 23.07.2023

Tagesmeldung vom 23.07.2023

Tagesmeldung von Bord
Törn 0814 | Cruise in Company: Frederikstad – Lerwick
Nordesee – Bergen Bank

Position 59°43,9′ N|003°35,8′ E
Kurs, Speed 300 | 3,5kn
Etmal 83nm
Wind N – 4bft
Luftdruck 1007 hpa
Bedeckung 1/8
Temp (L/W) 16°C, 14°C

Todays daily report will sound a lot like an ideal day at sea and in many ways it was! After the nightwatch, in which we spottet algea lighting up in the water around our beloved Roald like little stars, we spent the whole day sailing through beautiful blue waves, 18 degrees, the sun shining on us the whole time, keeping us warm in the cool wind. Seagulls kept us company today, playing in the winds around our sails. The course: ‚voll und bei‘ – ‚full and by‘, towards the shetland islands. In the distance we spottet the ‚Christian Radich‘, a welcome distraction for our lookout. Some of us spottet a whale, leaving everyone who missed it a little jealous and eager to watch out for whales and dolphins in our last few days of this voyage.

My watch set the briggsail and scrubbed the deck and some of us did some maintenance work on the ship. In addition to the perfect weather and sailing ship in the distance there was pastabake for lunch and a very, very delicious rhubarb-cake for coffee thanks to Blackie.
Practising a fire emergency kept us busy during the afternoon. Luckily the imaginary fire was extinguished and everybody did their job in the emergency simulation very well!

After a big supper some of us fell into their bunks, some relaxed on deck, some had a little massage circle and some tried solving Ronalds ‚Polar bears, fishes and holes‘-Game. Rumor has it, they are still in the messroom trying to solve it. The standing watch packed some sails for the night and now this nice day at sea is coming to an end…

Greetings to everyone reading this from home, wishing they were here on the Roald with us!

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