Tagesmeldung vom 18.07.2023
Fredrikstad – im Hafen
Position 59°12,1′ N|010°57,5′ E
Kurs, Speed 000 | 0kn
Etmal 0nm
Wind WSW – 5bft
Luftdruck 1018 hpa
Bedeckung 1
Temp (L/W) 21°C, 18°C
The day started with breakfast at 8:00, followed by our first all hands with the entire crew. We got to know some basic rules of safety at sea, for example we got to know how the safety alarms sound like and what we should do when we hear one.
Later we had our rigging training, which taught us how to climb rigging and fold sails. After training, we had a warm meal at 12:00. Next we started to clean the ship and at 14:00 we started to prepare the ship to set off.
Because the canal was narrow, and the amount of ships was big, there was a certain order of taking off so other ships had to set off before us. We got the chance of watching them went by. After we got out of the harbour, the wave started to hit. We were constantly going on engine without sails, which caused the boat to toss and turn in every direction because of lack of the stabilisation.
The sea sickness started, but as soon as we got closer to the coast, conditions improved. The navigation shifts started and we could be the helmsman or be on lookout. Also we tried bracing, so we began to learn basics on how to adjust sails. Supper at 18:00 was the last event on that day.