Tagesmeldung vom 19.07.2023

Tagesmeldung vom 19.07.2023

Tagesmeldung von Bord
Törn 0814 | Cruise in Company: Frederikstad – Lerwick
Skagerak Südküste Norwegen

Position 58°11,3′ N|008°36,2′ E
Kurs, Speed 240 | 5kn
Etmal 106nm
Wind WSW – 6-7bft
Luftdruck 1009 hpa
Bedeckung 8/8
Temp (L/W) 15°C, 14°C

The day started with a good breakfast at 8:00, as usual! Unfortunately, also with seasickness. The wind is still against us, only the waves were a bit lower. But we are dealing with these unfavourable circumstances as good as we can – sometimes with bright sunshine, but still under engine the whole day. Our speed is not more than 5kn, sometimes even less. So it was decided not go on anchorage at the southern part of Norway. Maybe we will enter one of the smaller ports on Norway’s southern west-coast – there were some invitations for the ships taking part in our Tall Ships Race Cruise in Company. According to our speed, ca. 5kn and less chances for a fast weather change, this seems to be the best solution.

The 8 trainees from the Shetlands and Orkneys and even one from Ireland are doing their best. They are very keen to adopt the ship´s customs and communicate a lot with the German part of the crew.
The Scottish accent is sometimes a bit hard to understand, but everybody is doing their best for a good communication!

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