Tagesmeldung vom 28.07.2023

Tagesmeldung vom 28.07.2023

Tagesmeldung von Bord
Törn 0815 | Race 3 – Lerwick – Arendal
Nordesee – Hafen von Lerwick

Position 60°10,51 N|001°09,1′ W
Kurs, Speed 0na | 0kn
Etmal 0nm
Wind SE – 3-4bft
Luftdruck 1007 hpa
Bedeckung 1/8
Temp (L/W) 16°C, 17°C

Something different…

Today we did something many people would dream of. A group of six of us went on a guided tour of Coasteering in the sea, basically swimming, climbing on rocks and jumping of cliffs. It was amazing!!! At first it was quite cold, but the more time we spent climbing and swimming we got warmer and I was very excited. It’s great to see, how much impact the ocean can have on you. The waves were either helping or holding us back from climbing out of the water and the plants were swirling around our legs. We started with jumping in from like 30 centimeters and ended with 11 meters. It was truely amazing. I really really enjoyed it, but at first it was definetely scary but I’m so glad I did it… I would definetly recommend it to everybody :).

Around noon the new trainees arrived and the action began. Who is sleeping where, when are we doing what, and of course new names! But that’s the usual stuff. We had a great safety introduction while it was raining and gladly it stopped when we started to talk about rigg safety and climbing up. For me personally it was today the first time, that I was at the very top of the mast, and it was just a wonderful view we have over the whole harbour up there.
The day ended with a busy dinner and it getting very fogy outsite. We’ll see if we can see enough when we depart tomorrow.

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