Tagesmeldung vom 20.02.2024

Tagesmeldung vom 20.02.2024

Tagesmeldung von Bord

Törn 0836 | Pic Paradies bis zu den Koralleninseln
Durch das Bermudadreieck

Position 30°20,2′ N|064°59,7′ W
Kurs, Speed 000 | 4,1kn
Etmal 97nm
Wind SSW – 4bft
Luftdruck 1018 hpa
Bedeckung 6/8
Temp (L/W) 22°C, 21°C

The pattern of the days underway across deep blue waters fall into a pattern for those of us who sail Roald know. Each of our three groups finds its way through the hours of the watch as the horizon stretches wide in every direction. Midnight to Four Watch One awakes at 23:30 to prepare for their special time on deck. The silent passing in the corridor as we shuffle to the Messe to put on our layers. harnesses, eat a bowl of sustaining müsli, and a warming cup of tea or the coffee the previous watch made for us.

Tonight’s wake up greeting whispered in our ears was to prepare for rain. This can always change ones attitude, but we boldly go forward with extra layers of protection. Previous watched prepared the sails for our watch and cleared the decks for a smooth transition under sail. The growing moon stayed hidden for most of the watch as the threat of rain lingered. Ever onward with the compass a 0-1-5, Steuermann Alexandra monitors our helm as Topsi Fabian monitored the canvas for optimal conditions.

On deck we keep outlook, but it is rare in these waters to see anything to report. The helmsman frequently must deal with a lack of wind which makes keeping on course a challenge. Sitting on the bridge two of us peel potatoes for the next day’s meal. This is aided by occasional moonlight. A round of bracing the yards for optimal sailing rounds out the watch. Claudia walks the halls of the ship waking the next watch who will carry on the course to Bermuda, as we move back down below to our bunks, still dry, as the rain did not materialize for us.

Melanie, Wolf, Heike, Conrad and Mark would like to thank Fabian for his leadership this tour.

Melli grüßt Judi und Jenny. Ich lass bald mal was von mir hören, wenn wir nicht doch noch kurzfristig im Bermudadreieck versinken, haben wir bald wieder Land unter den Füßen.

Beste Grüße nach Zella-Mehlis 🙂

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