Tagesmeldung vom 12.07.2023

Tagesmeldung vom 12.07.2023

Tagesmeldung von Bord
Törn 0813 | Tall Ships Race 2 Hartlepool – Frederikstad
Nordsee Kurs Wegpunkt 2

Position 56°01,7′ N|006°22,7′ E
Kurs, Speed 045 | 4,5kn
Etmal 108nm
Wind NNW – 4bft
Luftdruck 1005 hpa
Bedeckung 4/8
Temp (L/W) 19°C, 17°C

We started our day with getting woken up around 03:30, we had watch between 04:00 and 08:00. From the time we get woken up to our watch we usually spend on getting ready, brushing theets and getting dressed.

Today was an easier day becouse we have started to get used to the new routine. The first watch was clowdy but the weather got better to our secound watch.

After the first watch we went asleep again to 15.00 and woke up with 21 degrees and sun outside.
We ate our dinner outside and finished our watch with some new learning about important knots for boats. the day went quick becouse we have learnd and practices sails and the name of them for a few days now.

Its not much spare time but when we are not asleep or on watch we play cards, drink tee or play subwaysurfurs.

The funnies part about this day was when Silas overslept, but the most boring part was to clean the deck. We are going home to Fredrikstad on friday hopefully and we will be getting home on sunday. We are having very fun and we are exited about how the race will go further.

Hier kommt die Lösung der Astronavigationsaufgabe vom 10.07.2023.
Ob Lat 54° 47,8‘ N Lon 000° 25,4‘ E

Freyja Sif wünscht Marike alles Gute zum Geburtstag!<3 flinke Eichhörnchen für immer!!
Löwenherzen <3

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