Tagesmeldung vom 09.07.2023

Tagesmeldung vom 09.07.2023

Tagesmeldung von Bord
Törn 0812 | Tall Ships Race 2 Hartlepool – Frederikstad
Zu Anker vor Hartlepool – Start Tall Ships Race 2

Position 52°41,8′ N|001°08,0′ W
Kurs, Speed 221 | 0kn
Etmal 3nm
Wind NNW – 3bft
Luftdruck 1017 hpa
Bedeckung 4/8
Temp (L/W) 20°C, 16°C

Sailor, sailor

Sailor, sailor,
What makes you clench your fist?
The depths gurgle a melody,
The waves are silky in the sun, you see.
What keeps your stomach in a twist?

Cyclonic, stirring days have tossed,
How they have taught us to persist.
But windswept nights have passed,
What remains is but a velvet mist.

Sailor, sailor,
What makes you hold your breath?
Has the gold in your chest been buried to deep,
The mighty trench been dug to steep,
For you to reach the surface before death?

How we have painted pearly sails all red,
As gruesome cold has cracked our skin.
Bust trust she’ll gently rock us to bed.
A golden morning will begin.

She will raise us to the heavens high,
She will carry us out to the sea.
She will bring us the starry waves and sky,
How glorious the sailors life can be.


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