.. aged 25 or under? Tall Ships Race!

.. aged 25 or under? Tall Ships Race!

Tall Ships Races – a SailTraining Special for anyone aged 15 to 25

  • 01. July – 16. July ’22: Esbjerg –> Harlingen | Tall Ships Race 01
  • 16. July – 24. July ’22: Esbjerg –> Antwerpen | Cruise in Company
  • 24. July – 06. August ’22: Antwerpen –> Aalborg | Tall Ships Race 02

The Brig ROALD AMUNDSEN has a Tall Story to tell herself – and the fleet of WIndjammers, SailTraining Vessels of all kinds brings alive history of sailing the seven seas. Get introduced to traditional seamanship that we keep up and hand down, meet the fleet. Meet the Crews, an international mix of sailors, bridging all gaps with their passion for the seas and ships.

Meet the Fleet! Details in our voyage schedule or contact the ship’s office for any question. welcome aboard the Brig ROALD AMUNDSEN!

One Response

  1. Dirk Mentzer sagt:

    Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

    ihre Webseite gefällt uns sehr gut, besonders da Angebot für junge Menschen unter 25.
    Gerne würden wir unserem Sohn (22 Jahre) die Reise buchen 24. July – 06. August ’22: Antwerpen –> Aalborg | Tall Ships Race 02. Unser Sohn hat ein SBK Schein und bring reichlich Segelerfahrung mit.
    Gibt es noch freie Plätze?

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